Maximising quantity of information while preserving quality — learn how | Cardinbox Blog

The Official CardInbox Blog
3 min readOct 31, 2017


People have different opinions on the recurring debate of quality versus quantity of information. It’s obviously situational. It’s been proven that most individuals opt for quality over quantity. Answer this as blog readers — Would you rather read one blog consisting of good, well written content or seven mediocre blogs? In my personal opinion, being able to procure just the right amount of quantity and quality at the same time is ideal, so I’ve never actually looked at it as quality versus quantity. Why choose one when you can have both?

Let’s base this argument on a situation my friend Tanya was caught up in recently. Not long ago, she worked at an exhibition for a fashion house, and a large part of her job was to collect business cards of prospective and interested clients. At the end of the day she collected an odd 500 cards, which is pretty amazing right? The problem only arose when she had to convert this into actionable information. All the details of the whooping 500 cards had to be segregated into headings and transferred to an excel sheet — MANUALLY!! What happened here is that she was able to collect an excellent quantity of business cards, but their quality will inevitably diminish with time (due to data becoming outdated, or may be a printing mistake, losing cards in the pile, mistyping into excel to name a few). If only there was a way to disrupt the pattern of diminishing quality with time, my friend would be able to take advantage of both the quantity and quality of the cards.

As I mentioned before most people tend to choose quality over quantity, then why is such a reputable fashion house not accounting for preserving quality? They’re definitely experiencing the pain point and hence have a need, the problem is lack of awareness and not the lack of an appropriate product!

Introducing to you the solution to your very much existing problems — Cardinbox! Is this just another scanner? A contact manager? No, it’s much more and I am about to tell you all about it. This is the first platform to devote its focus solely on the everlasting tradition of business cards, their exchange and maximizing their utility. Now make complete sense of business cards and elevate their utility beyond their physical nature.

Now if my friend would have known about Cardinbox, she would be in the ‘ideal’ position I was talking about earlier. She was unsure of the quality of each card she collected and hence resorted to collecting a massive quantity to make up for it, law of averages and all that. Business contacts will always be an essential way to grow your business and for this very reason we need to provide for preservation of quality along with capturing a good quantity. Quantity is irrelevant if it isn’t of good quality.

Maximize quantity while preserving quality with Cardinbox!

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Cardinbox is a cloud based contacts-as-a-service platform, to simplify contact management & enrichment for your business.